Business As Usual?
Through the years, acting as an advertising support person for my husband's business led to much more than computer graphic design. Research, symposiums, reading and more reading were all part of building a foundation for the business. Zig Ziglar was on our 'authors to read' list. Both of us read his books on positive thinking. They not only applied to business but to life.
After losing Molly my need to read has become almost an obsession. Some call it bibliotherapy. I call it a godsend. There is such an isolated lonely feeling that accompanies such a loss. The books have become a comforting friend who understands the pain, the questions and the journey.
While scanning the shelves of the bookstore Zig Ziglar's name popped out at me. What was a book by him doing in the bereavement section? Much to my surprise, Zig had written a book about losing his own daughter. Shocked and surprised, I opened it and began to read.
It is funny how the world often functions according to our tunnel vision. This man lost his daughter many years ago. He stopped writing books on positive thinking for quite awhile as he mourned the loss. He questioned whether he could return to a positive outlook. All the while, I was reading his previous books without a clue.
These excerpts from his book placed that title on my reading list.
One of Marsha's two daughters daughters (19 years old) was killed in a gun accident in Sept ‘09. She maintains a facebook page titled A New Journey, dedicated to helping grieving parents. She lives with her husband in the Pacific Northwest.
I am interested in reading this book. Your blog articles show up on different sites I visit. I have many of the same feelings you have. We lost our 20 year old son in July '09. He fell a great distance while hiking with friends. They couldn't get help fast enough to save him. It's funny how I thought that enlisting in the armed forces would be such a danger and I never considered a hike in the woods as a life ending possibility.
I am sorry for your family and for your son-in-law. You have probably been brought so close together through this, but what a saddness. My son was not married. He had a girlfriend and she is wonderful. I saw several book titles on your site and will try to find them. Thank you.
-Rob's Mom (5/13/89 - 7/27/09
I found your blog by chance. Its horrible to have to understand what someone says because they have gone through the same loss as i have. My son was 21 when I lost him 4 years ago. He was hit by some young girl not paying attention to her driving. The hurt and loss never disappears yet people think that life should just start a fresh again in a short time. I went the opposite from you, I lost faith in a god. To me, there is none. I guess it makes our lives change in different ways. Thanks for sharing, it makes the road easier to walk.
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