....Life will be a journey, perhaps not the journey you expected...

Current Book List

In addition to the Bible, these are some of the books I've read following the death of our daughter.

The Shack - William Paul Young

Lessons from the Light - George Anderson

Blessings From The Other Side - Sylvia Browne

Embraced By The Light - Betty Eadie

Soul Shift - Mark Ireland

Start The Conversation - Ganga Stone

Tear Soup - Pat Schwiebert and Chuck Deklyen

A Grief Observed - C.S. Lewis

Where Wonders Prevail - Joan Wester Anderson

Seven Steps To Heaven - Miles Davis

The Space Between Breaths (DVR documentary about losing a child)

A Grace Disguised - Jerry Sittser

Your Eternal Self - Craig Hogan

Visitations From The Afterlife - Lee Lawson

A Grief Like No Other - Kathleen O'Hara

-Mother's are known for their advice to their children. My mother always encouraged me to read for pleasure. Her best advice to me was "In times of trouble, turn to books. You'll know when they speak the truth to you." Trouble and sadness descended into my life on Sept 27, 2009. I have followed that advice. Love you Mom.